Voice Over Training
Get started the right way!
Your career in Voice Acting starts with solid training and education. We trust and believe in the people who partner with Volunteer Voice Over.
Volunteer Voice Over Training Resources
Discover 20+ essential voice over resource categories with 80+ handpicked options either used by us or by our friends, and will help your performance confidence. These vetted recommendations will help you cut through the clutter. Training and coaching doesn’t have to be expensive, you just need to have the right referrals to the best people. All our equipment, resources and training contacts are trusted by us!
Even though this post may contain affiliate links or mention people or products, we still love and trust them. If you want to know more, please check out our disclosure policy here. All that means is if you end up clicking our link and purchase something, we get a small commission which helps us keep Volunteer Voice Over platform active!
Watch one of the videos below
and learn how to create your searchable profile
on Volunteer Voice Over.
Membership is required to create a profile.

2024 Coaching Resources
Enhancing your voice over skills is ongoing…trust us! Whether in voice acting or in life, there’s room for growth and refinement. Collaborating with a kind and genuine coach is an invaluable way to help you find areas that you can improve and elevate your performance. Even subtle adjustments have the potential to give you a boost in confidence, potentially transforming your audition-to-booking ratio and setting you on a path to greatness! Whatever your goals are with voice acting, you should always be learning your craft and starting with a coach is a MUST DO!
You may think to yourself that coaching is expensive but when you find the right person to mentor you, it can profoundly change everything! Coaching and training is an investment in you and your career. We have all experienced the challenge and expense of upgrading equipment, going to industry conferences and finding the right coach. It’s part of the journey so you must move forward!
We only add resources to this page that we trust because we have personally experienced the help and guidance they offer. We will be adding to the training section as we can. If you have a suggestion or have a personal reference, please connect with us via our contact page.
“I have been watching Gabby’s videos on YouTube for years! Not only does she have a compassionate heart, her no BS coaching approach is fresh, honest and actually very gritty! She has been a speaker at many conferences and is an industry icon! You will love her! But just remember, she is honest and straightforward but that’s what we all need.” Melissa
Gabrielle Nistico is a no-BS voice actor coach who has been teaching new and established voice actors for over 2 decades. Gabby is behind the mic and in the Voice Over trenches every day from her studio. Her methods are engaging and challenging, with a focus on performance, marketing & voice over technology. She is a boutique demo producer too. You can find all of her amazing website here:

“I have followed Anthony and his journey for a long time. He is the real deal! His background and experience as a teacher prepared him to help voice over enthusiasts, rising talent and pros, raise the bar by connecting with REAL people. A VO’s Journey’s Elite Academy exposes you to details, practice and people you need in your corner. Voice over is a journey…not a destination because we are NEVER done! Investing in your craft takes time, energy, support and funds. Are you in?”
Melissa Harlow, Founder and Mentor, Volunteer Voice Over
A VO’s Journey Elite Academy educates, trains, teaches, and coaches voice actors each week with live classes, courses, engaging community, and more.
As a member of the academy, you get access to:
- Daily live training sessions a week on commercial voice over, voice acting / performance, marketing, and script workouts. All classes are on Zoom and recorded for playback.
- Monday – Commercial VO @ 6pm EST
- Tuesday – Beginning Voice Acting @ 2pm EST
- Wednesday – Intermediate Voice Acting @ 2pm EST (Must pass an assessment to join)
- Wednesday – Intermediate Marketing @ 7pm EST (Must pass an assessment to join)
- Wednesday – Beginning Marketing @ 8pm EST
- Thursday – Advanced Marketing @ 7pm
- Thursday – Script Workout @ 8pm EST
- Script Library
- Rate Guide
- Word / Pricing Calculators
- Live Script Workout Group each week
- All sessions are recorded in our archive so you can view them anytime, even if you can’t make it.
- Demo reviews and tips
- Voiceover Work Opportunities
- Easily accessible video archive of previous sessions so in case you can’t attend a meeting, you can watch the replay
- Private Discord Server that is full of resources and support 24/7
- Access to All A VO’s Journey Voice Over Courses, including ACX Audiobook course, Demo Production
** And you will access to A VO’s Journey Elite Talent Agency, Academy Voices!
“Like your favorite pair of jeans, Troy makes the voice over demo process comfortable and relaxed. His packages are affordable and can be a game-changer for new voice talents looking to break into the industry without breaking the bank. His approach is easy-going and he will tell you like it is if you need it!” Melissa
Troy is a trusted professional and he’s committed to supporting talent who are climbing the VO ranks. Troy producers Near Professional demos like the quality you would get in a pair of Levi jeans, your demo is made to last until you can afford more.
Troy will guide you through an experience that needs to be customized. So if you’re not ready to record your demo, he’ll be honest and straightforward.
Remember, Troy can open the barn doors for your career, so start right here: www.troyholdenvoices.com

“Investing in my voice acting training and coaching was the best decision I’ve made for both myself and my voice acting career. My journey was so clear with the guidance of my coaches, mentors, and the real life lessons I’ve learned along the way. Carrie is kind, compassionate and truly gifted. Her coaching is affordable and easy to access. Please consider Carrie if you need help and guidance!” Melissa
“The biggest thrill for me is when I see my students making progress, becoming more competent voice actors and business owners, and stepping into their potential.
Here’s the deal: When you coach with me, you get all of me. I used to try to break down different aspects of my coaching into different molds (website coaching vs. branding coaching vs. performance coaching, etc.). But my goal is to help you become a better voiceover talent holistically, not just in one area.
I didn’t want to hold back what someone really needed just because the package they bought didn’t include the training or advice they needed.
So, I am now thrilled to offer coaching I feel great about, and that will give you the highest level of support.” Carrie Olsen
Here is Carrie’s website: https://carrieolsenvo.com/
“Bill has inspired thousands of voice actors with his training, coaching, YouTube channel and more. He was such an inspiration to me when I began my voice acting career. He helps you sort out where you’re going and how to get there! His entire family is talented and I hope you will take advantage of his genuine nature and coaching ability. Here is a link to his YouTube channel https://youtu.be/Kqz4T2dg6so?si=ntKnI5HccvuJrgPv that quite literally changed my entire voice over journey. ” Melissa
Bill is a voice over professional, coach and author. Bill’s been recording voice overs full-time for the past 18 years and have recorded over 10,000 paid voice over projects. Some of his clients include… Warner Brothers, Walmart, Chevrolet, Pizza Hut, Fox, American Express, Microsoft Weber, and the PGA tour, to name a few.
He’s also the author of How to Start and Build a SIX-FIGURE Voice Over Business, and Get Paid Using Your Voice (his new book)
Conferences & Events
Voice Talent conferences and events have evolved into vibrant platforms where voice actors come together to learn, engage and talk about the intricacies of the industry, and foster valuable connections with fellow professionals. As the voice-over community continues to flourish, these conferences play an instrumental role with professional collaboration, sharing ideas, and enhancing the sense of camaraderie among voice actors. Although events can be a bit expensive, you can search for coupon codes and discounts. Just keep in mind that learning and growing in the voice talent industry takes an investment of time and money and doesn’t happen quickly. Take your time to learn things right!
- The VO Atlanta Voiceover Conference stands as a global assembly of both seasoned professionals and burgeoning voice actors. Year after year, this event unites us in a shared mission: to exchange knowledge, build invaluable networks, and collectively evolve as a tight-knit community. With an extensive offering of over 100 hours dedicated to small group voice over workshops, classes, and a multitude of engaging panels and discussions led by industry experts, VO Atlanta provides a unique opportunity to gain the essential insights and skills necessary for success in the voice acting industry. As the largest conference of its kind, it serves as an unparalleled platform where passionate individuals can glean wisdom and inspiration from those who are equally committed to nurturing talent and fostering success.
Associations and Memberships
These associations offer invaluable resources, networking opportunities, and educational programs that can help and guide talent about unwritten rules, current laws and Best Practices. Through workshops, webinars, and mentorship programs, they provide essential training and skill development, helping artists refine their craft and stay updated on industry trends. NAVA and similar organizations also create a sense of community, connecting beginners with experienced professionals, opening doors for collaboration and advice. Furthermore, they advocate for fair industry standards, ensuring that newcomers have access to equitable opportunities and a supportive environment in which to thrive.
Be sure to check out the 2024 NAVA Survey results!
“I have personally invested in a membership to NAVA. They have worked many nights, weekends and with kids on their laps! Their recent work with educating all of us on AI and synthetic voices and the companies who create and use them, has been instrumental in spreading the word for more education and resources. They collaborate with all agencies, people and new technology businesses about the need for new legislation, proper contract negotiations and the language needed to protect your voice and mine.” Melissa
National Association of Voice Actors (NAVA) is a dedicated non-profit organization committed to fostering the growth and development of the voice acting industry. Through proactive advocacy, educational initiatives, and a commitment to inclusivity, NAVA serves as a vital catalyst for positive change in this dynamic field. With a focus on delivering tangible benefits to its members, NAVA strives to elevate voice actors and their craft, ensuring a vibrant and supportive community for all those passionate about the world of voice acting.
Become a MEMBER! Please!